Time and space 2
- Genomics, transcriptomics
- Fragmentation -> Labeling (adaptors - primers - p7,p5+"barcodes")
- PCR amplification
- Ilumina sequencing - attaching - cluster amplification - measurement of fluorescence
- Whole genome
- vs exome
- Fragments - hybridization - pullout - sequencing of exome fragments
- Transcriptome
- qPCR - need for specific gene
- bulk RNA
- scRNA
- nanostring - target + capture probe + amplification probe
- RNA seq - reverse transcriptase > ilumina
- mRNA vs premRNA
- mRNA - selected by poly A
- pre - rRNA depletion
- scRNA
- expensive
- thoudsands - mil cells
- polya seleection
- filtering - dead cells - higher mito RNA levels
- spatial transcriptomics
- Genomic assays -
- Reporter assay
- jaspar - tf binding database-
- Cut and tag, cut and run
- clinical - severity prediction - polypheh